Friday 13 June 2008

Hot Trends watch: Concede, hypermiling, Preparation H

Trends Hot Trends is all atwitter with the Clinton rumors.  The word "concede" is No. 1. Not concedes, or concession or conceding, but rather the command form of the verb: concede! It may or may not be noteworthy that searchers' emphasis is on the losing keyword, rather than a word that would represent the bigger story if the rumors are true: "nominee."

Much more hilariously, whether or not it's reflective of the hive mind, is that the term "cheney inbreeding" has made it to No. 26. To the uninitiated, this is quite a striking phrase, and it could cause considerable head scratching. If you are one such head-scratcher, check out Mahalo's page on the story.

No. 2 is "hypermiler" -- a new sort of "extreme driving" borne of the new culture of ballooning gas prices.  Information Week describes hypermiling pithily: "If you occasionally roll down a hill in neutral, I wouldn't call you a hypermiler. If you draft behind other vehicles on a hot day with your windows up and the A/C off, congratulations, you're in the club."

I wonder if we can expect a whole rash of new eco-saving methods...

  • Eco-rafting. Forget flying or taking a cruise ship--that's for wastrels. The new/old way to cross the ocean is rafting, where you assemble your own craft from thousands of plastic bottles and used fishing net, and float across the ocean. It may take six weeks to get to Hawaii, but when you get there it'll seem that much more like paradise.

  • Can-talking: What's the longest distance phone call ever made on a pair of tin cans? Google does not have the answer, so perhaps you could supply it, and in so doing bring back this low-cost, low-energy method of telecommunications. Make sure you have an adult to help.

  • Extreme sitting there: To conserve energy, the truly environmentally conscious do not watch TV, listen to music, use the Internet or fiddle with their Blackberrys, but rather just camp out on the couch all day with the A/C off.

No. 3 is "Preparation H" -- not so fast! It looks like people aren't searching for this old staple for the usual reasons.  Indeed, as reports, the topical ointment  may be catching on "in the club." Apparently, "guys are slathering up their torsos with the hemorrhoid cream Preparation H to make themselves look 'ripped' for the ladies." But I wonder what the ladies will think when they realize it ain't exercise that's making their man look hot.

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